Thursday, March 30, 2017

Here's Guide Sarah!!

Thanks for waiting!!!

Nice to meet you, I was introduced earlier!

I'm "Sarah", WizComic's guide!

 "I'll assist Hirogecka of PR department
to manage the blog!"

"Oh wow, her presence added sparkles to this blog,
uncle is really happy, yes yes"


"What you mean by uncle...Gecka, you're a lady in your twenties yet..."


"I'm sorry, I'll die if I can't joke around"


"Oh no...(swet)



"Sarah is resposible to MC(Master of Ceremony)from now on.

What a relief, I can joke around freely.

Oh wow, how nice to have an assistant"



No way, I'm supposed to be just a guide.

Being in PR department, you have to cooperate more!!"


"But I refuse"


 "How come...

in other words, how you use BUT I REFUSE is totally wrong!"


If Jojo fans see this

"No wonder bandwagon is..."

Don't you think they'll be mad?"


"Sorry sorry, Charlie"


"Oh my, it's ancient..."

"Sorry, I don't know the original story"


"Oh my...he's much worse than being bandwagon"


"Well well, I resigned and am no longer MC"


"You can't resign on your own..."


"Let's make the blog more lively!

this blog and WizComic"


"Thank you!!"

Official Twitter Account will be Set Up!

I'm Hirogecka of WizComic creator/PR!!


This is an announcement!

WizComic will set up official twitter account!

Tweet from blog updating information
Requirements for campaign
Tweet on recruiting creators

And then, relax and reply


In the blog, we'll comment on Manga you want to know and illustration know-how?!

We'll receive Manga Advise requests too!!

Moreover, the new receptionist and guide will appear!

Maybe there will be official announcement soon!!


Look forward to it!!!



Thursday, March 23, 2017

We're recruiting Manga creators!!

I'm Hirogecka of WizComic creator/PR!!

Today, I have information for all Manga creator wanna-be!!
Frankly speaking.

Would you like to debut as Manga creator with us??

Having said so, our magazine is web comic.
Our App is under development and it's not released yet.

By the way!!

It's fine if you want to join as starting member or after App is realeased!
Anyways, we're recruiting Manga creator!!

Oooops, fyi,
App release is estimated to be in 2016!

Then why are you recruiting Manga creator?



We, WizComic

are creating Manga App for overseas users!!

Do you all know?

That Manga is becoming popular in India!

Japan is super popular in Asian countries!
Games are made with it's own country's quality, taking Japanese games as examples!

Moreover, recent years, SmartPhone users are increasing in India!!

Ecomic growth is outstanding in recent years!

India is one, but target is SmartPhone users in the English speaking countries.

For overseas market, we, Manga creators have to change progress of pages,

right to left to

for overseas market, from left to right!

Speech bubble has to be horizotal, adjusting to European writings!


Traslators will do complicated tasks, so don't worry about traslation!!
It's same things, how we normally draw Manga!

Maybe this opportunity will bring you jobs overseas and
many success will come!

For those who want to be successful!!

You can contact us by Contact Form

or Comment!!


The Guide is available with WizComic!!

I'm Hirogecka of WizComic creator/PR!!

Surprise I'm introducing


the new☆guide is available!!

Her name is "Sarah!!

Currently rough drafted, but
official announcement will be leased soon!

By the way, I did designing of characters☆

She'll appear as the guide in many different scenes!
She'll play active role in Twitter as mini character too!

Look forward to it!!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Event between me and my animator sister.

I'm Hirogecka of WizComic creator/PR!!

To my shame, today I'd like to talk based on my experience.
I want to talk about how important it is to show your drawing and Manga.
Once you read this, no matter if it's a page.

It can be illustration or Manga,

if you want objective opinion by third party,

please contact us!

Privately, I often draw or write draft while talking on the live net.

During this, I met someone who shared drawing as common interest.
That was a time when my goal wasn't to be a creator, but recently started drawing Manga.

That person says, "Recently, I started drawing Manga right?

I don't have a clue what panel layout is...what shall I do?"


Me "Oh panel layout. I guess many are confused.

It's so easy to say, get used to it but it really is difficult."


That person "Excuse me, Gecka, would you mind looking at my Manga?"


Me "What!?


I say thing straight forward and I think it may be too harsh?
Oh but my sister is an animator and I've seen her being thrown harsh words,
so I'm careful with what I say...


Well, moving to my sister's story,
she is an animator, 7 years elder to me.

I believe she finished up to her second drawing and,
she is free now but her skill is good enough to take orders by phone.

Her goal was to become Manga creator when I was in my lower grades of elementary school.
She wanted to be girls' comic Manga creator, but no doubt she is pretty good then.


She changed her dreams to becoming animator,  her tools like pen holder, ink, tone, draft paper half used.
And copic set were handed over to me, when I was in junior high school.

She was in special college when I was in sixth grade and
at that time, I came to know you can draw using computer.

She was business person, who tasted the sweet and bitter of,
in dark and difficult world of this industry, she continued to move forward with strong spirit and guts.

She was only one in the family who was strongly against my being anime creator.


"Don't you know, not everyone can become manga creator?"

Honestly speaking, anybody can become animetor even being bad one.

But manga creatorcan't make alot of money. Only few can.

You can't be rewarded even if you do your best,

you' d better stop it if you can't do at the risk of your losing your life."

I was in Junior High School then.
Those words changed attachment to work as anime creator to a stronger wish.

I think, I haven't spoken to her for few years since then.
We didn't get along well when we returned home and we fought about small things.

Last March, when she returned home after a long time,

"Show me your paictures. I'll correct them for you."

That word became the key.

As I said earlier, she is a business woman and
she is strict about drawing.

What she says is also strict.
It's thanks to my sister how I could decide to a Manga creator.

Yes, it was thanks to my sister.
But it's actually scary!!!!

But if she was in front of me

"words are harsh and I'm scared, it's fine"

I can't say such a thing!!

So I excluded replicated illustration,
and showed her my sketchbook which I was using then.


My sister "why do you draw only faces?"


Me "yeah, it's only sketch..."


My sister "there are hardly no drawing with body,

you have to practice body as well"


Ahhh, she was right.
My sketches were only faces and I was satisfied with it.

Of course, I used to practice body looking at documents but I before I knew it,
I forgot the challenging spirit to sketch and compose poses as I imagined.

No, I avoided to face the fact that I can't draw.
So maybe I turned my face from challenging.

Since then, I concentrated on drawing and observing.
Most of all, I put my heart and soul collecting images.
Anyways, in the beginning, I collected not knowing whether I could use it or not.

And devided into files and drew single-mindedly pictures in catagory which I needed.
2 months later, when my sister looked into the illustration which I drew to change the mood,

My sister praised me for the first time.

Of course, she corrected me up and down but it was easy to understand
and seemed as if where should be corrected was in light shining.

Initially, I just wanted to correct more and be better,
however as I continued being corrected by her

I started not liking when it was incorrect.

It has changed in such a way.

Around summer, she suffered from hernia and I couldn't ask easily for her correction.
Even then, I studied and concentrated especially on what I found odd.

My drawing is nothing but made from my sister's bitter correction.
If she didn't give me bitter comments,
my drawing was just teenager sketch level.

Ooops, sorry it went too far.
Let's return to beginning of the story.

I was confused when I was asked to give my opinion, looking at the Manga.

In my case, I agreed and acted immediately after being corrected by her.
However, I knew many of my creator friends were only depressed and could't take actions.

If by chance, my words hurt someone's feeling who is just purely enjoying to draw Manga.

You'll go crazy if you think this way.
However, that person requested and said,

"Even so, I want you to look."


I had prepared myself for the worst and read that person's Manga.
I advised in direct mail, page by page in the real situation style,
added examples for improvement in all pages...

Carefully choosing the words,

I explained how it's not necessary to read at once and accept at once,
and commentated on improvement points having several gaps in between.

Although it was correction, it was very good opportunity for my studies as well.
And the next day, that person replied.

"Thank you for very detailed explanation!
I'll continue doing my best!
Please let me show up if you do the next program!"

That was the message.
And few days earlier, meeting at the program after a long time,

"Thank you very much that time!"
I had received the message of gratitude.

I don't know if my correction was really useful for that person,
and had enough mass to take it into action.

However, often times, many tend to be modest.
It's difficult to show it to somebody and accept their opinions without compliments.

Anyhow, it could be valuable awareness.

Anyways, it must be too long to read.
I apologize for that.
However, if you have anything in mind,
please contact us.

If you give us okay! to post in this blog,
in all sincerity and cordially, we'll correct, give opinion and advise.

I want to become closer to being pro.
I want to be better.

We're waiting for such person like yourself.

Friday, March 10, 2017

"Cricket Boy" Introducing Characters!

I'm Hirogecka of WizComic creator/PR!!

Following the previous blog, I'll introduce Manga with cricket being the theme.

Cricket is the national sport of India.

"Cricket Boy" is Manga which takes place in India
about poor and rich class boys, fighting as team to win.
Every single boy in the story is the main character!

First, I'll introduce team's side main characters!


Main character, you must focus in this story!

He being young, but had to raise his younger sister because of his parents death.
He is a kind boy, desperately working more than others.

He had no choice but to live poor and gave up his own life for his younger sister.
Spending such a life, one fine day he encounters cricket.

This encounter with cricket changed his life 180 degrees!


Together with Agito, this is a character you want to focus in this story!

He is a member of youth cricket team "White Tiger", bowler and captain.
He is kind and has strong sense of justice. He is the person who gave Agito the reason to start cricket.
He was borned and raised in a rich family as his father is CEO of IT company.

His father is rich, being one of the owners of cricket field.
However he is against Mohammed wanting to be a pro.
He juggled science/mathmatics elite education and cricket.

This is the last tournament before taking pro test.
He promised to join his father's company if he didn't pass.


All-rounder of the White Tiger.
He is determinded, short tempered and selfish.

He is clever and tries hard, but he is small and lack in energy to join the strong team.
He is very emotional boy. He gets depressed and hurt by shown differences in his ability.

However, he works his best and that impresses everyone's heart.
That is the character.


White Tiger's Wicket-keeper.
he is calm and kind. He works in the background.
Together with Mohammed, he is centarl pillar of the team.

He is childhood friends with Mohammed and have been playing all along with him.
He is eldest of 4 brothers, caring and many friends rely on him.


White Tiger's batsman, looks like a play boy.
He shows good talent as bowler and fielder.

He is rough and optimistic, basically not serious, but
surprisingly he can express more realistic opinion than Mohammed...

He join the White Tiger when they suddenly needed extra player and introduced himself.
He was successful in the match which became his chance.

Well well, did I interest you a little???
WizComic plans to lease App this year!

Crucial Cricket Boy's draft is...
a bit delayed because of my arm not being well,
but I'll have it done anyhow!!

I drew this illustration especially for the blog!

Quality is as good as grafitti, but
it may be more attractive than the draft...what to do...

So far it's done upto chapter 5, but I'll catch up!!
Don't miss App release!!
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